Saturday, August 31, 2019

Political Participation in the UK Essay

In a country based on representative democracy, a ‘fair’ system, it is questionable to say we as the public make the most of this opportunity. Whilst other nations are fighting against the intense grips of dictatorships, as we have seen recently in Libya and Egypt, we live in a system in which to instigate change, we simply have to turn up at a ballot box and cast a vote. But with voting numbers continuously dwindling, does the United Kingdom have a participation crisis? The most efficient way to judge this is to go straight to the figures, and on first glance the statistics are startling. The percentage of people that voted in 2001 was an astonishing record low of 59%, down over 10% from the previous election in 1997. Comparing both of these results to a 83.9 voting percentage of 1950, shows a dramatic change in the value the British people place in their vote. The two recent elections however in 2005 and 2010 have bucked this trend, achieving percentages of 61.5 and 65 giving the impression that voting is on the rise. But with only these two results showing increases in recent history, it is impossible to view this as a positive correlation. When looking at these figures we have to look at the groups of people who didn’t exercise their right to vote, with the majority of them falling in to the 18 to 24 year old category. Only 44% of the 18 to 24 age group casted a ballot in the 2010 election in comparison to the 76% turnout figure of the over 65’s. The general consensus of the political spectrum of the youth population is that it is firmly to the left. Given these facts it is arguable to say that if the turn out for the 2010 general election had been higher, we could have easily had a Labour or Liberal Democrat government which would have had major effects on the current policies in place in the UK. To go even further, if the voting percentage had been 100% in all the previous elections, it is claimable that every government the UK has had would be different, effectively changing nea rly every policy that has been put into place in the past. When looked at with this perspective, we can see the incredible importance of voting and political participation has in our lives. When looking simply at the turnout figures of the recent general elections we can see that participation in the UK is in a dangerous decline. Another factor we need to take into consideration is the decline of party membership in the UK. Similar to the steady decline of voting figures since 1950, all three major parties membership has dropped significantly over the last six decades. The Conservative party has seen the most severe decline in membership, from having over 2,900,000 members in 1951 falling to a mere 250,000 in 2008. This trend is shown within the ranks of the Labour and the Liberal Democrat parties as well, with the only noticeable exception is the rise in the Labour party in 1997, rising from 280,000 to 405,000. This however, can be contributed to the rise of Tony Blair with ‘New Labour’ and ‘Blairism’ which gripped the country in the late 20th century. Following this though, the Labour parties membership continued to fall and by 2008 had reached a low of 166,000. Tony Blair’s biographer Anthony Seldon has made the link between declining levels of public trust in formal politics and the decline in party membership, however it is difficult to prove a simple link such as this exists. With these dramatic declines in voting participation and party membership, some would claim that it is difficult to argue that there is not a political participation crisis gripped the UK. On the other hand though, there has been rises in other forms of political participation. Whilst collective acts such as party membership has been on decline, individual direct action, in some cases has been on the rise. With consumer issues being one of the main causes the public has more intensely rallied around. The Power inquiriy in 2006 highlighted these changes in political participation, with traditional forms such as party membership seeing dramtatic decreases, whereas involvement with pressure groups and protest movements seeing dramatic increases. In the year 2000, 31% of the public claimed that they had boycotted products for ethical reasons, whether this can be contributed to the rise of the media and social desirability or not it shows a dramatic rise from the 4% that boycotted products in 1984. This shows perhaps that although a part of society has lost faith in the political process and the value of their votes, they instead prefer to take actions they believe that they will be directly making a difference and contributing politically. The phenomenon of the rise of the media and the internet over the last 60 years has allowed new systems of political participation to develop. An example of this is e-petitions. E-petitions are an easy way for anyone to influence government policy in the UK. With anyone being able to create an e-petition about anything that the government is responsible for, it allows people to get involved at a more direct level and definitely attracts the younger generation to get involved. If a petition gets at least 100,000 signatures, it will be eligible for debate in the House of Commons. These ways of participation makes it easier for people to get involved and allows the public to voice their opinions on particular subjects, almost seeming like a direct democracy in comparison to the representative democracy we have in the UK. Another argument that there is not a participation crisis in the UK is the huge turnouts in political protests over the last decade, with possibly the most poignant of these being the protests against the Iraq war in 2003. With over one and half million people taking to the streets of London, the British public showed they are not afraid to have their voices heard. A more recent example of a political protest, is the student tuition fees demonstrations in 2010, with over 50,000 taking to the streets. A British Election Study stated that in 1979, 20% of respondents would be willing to go on a protest demonstration, this number had risen to 33 % by 2000. Added to this, an increase in illegal political demonstrations, notably the London riots earlier this year, shows us that people are much more likely to take to the streets to demonstrate than they were in previous decades. This shows that although different forms of political participation are on the rise, they are arguably much less important than voting. Taking into consideration that the government merely acknowledged these particular protests and continued with their policies anyway, shows us the lack of impact these forms of participation have in contrast with voting. In the UK today we can see a growing trend of a decrease in traditional participation, but an increase in new forms and less traditional participation. This can be contributed to a number of factors, including the decline in public trust in formal politics and the rise of the media and internet, which allows people to organise and take part in other types of participation. This shows that generally there is not a participation crisis in the UK, with the majority of the public getting involved in some sort of political participation, with only 15% taking no political actions in the year 2000. However, the forms of participation that are growing in popularity are shown to have less effect on the political process of the UK, with the Iraq demonstrations of 2003 and the Student Protests of 2010 resulting in no change of political policy and the e-petitions only resulting in a political debate. This highlights the importance of traditional participation and the problems with the more popular forms of participation. Perhaps a more poignant question would be, does our representative democracy really represent the views of the public, as in reality these new forms of participation should have resulted in more of an effect on UK policy. To describe the current political participation as a crisis is far to extreme, as the figures show the majority of the British public readily get involved. At the present time there is not a crisis in the UK’s political participation, but if the trends continue, we could be faced with one in the coming years, but as long as the public remain involved at some level there can be no crisis.

Friday, August 30, 2019

American Indians Essay

The people now known as Indians or Native Americans were the first people to live in the Americas. They had been living there for thousands of years before any Europeans arrived. The Vikings explored the east coast of North America around A. D. 1000 and had some contact with Indians (Watson & Howell 1980). But lasting contact between Indians and Europeans began with Christopher Columbus’s voyages to the Americas. In 1492, Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. He was seeking a short sea route to the Indies, which then included India, China, the East Indies, and Japan. Europeans did not then know that North and South America existed. When Columbus landed in what is now known as the West Indies, he did not realize he had come to a New World. He thought he had reached the Indies, and so he called the people he met Indians. Almost every Indian group had its own name. Many of these names reflected the pride of each group in itself and its way of life. For example, the Delaware Indians of eastern North America called themselves Lenape, which means genuine people. Today, many Indians refer to themselves as Native Americans. The first Indians came to the New World from Siberia, in Asia. Most scientists think they arrived at least 15,000 years ago. At that time huge ice sheets covered much of the northern half of the earth. The Bering Strait, which today is a narrow area of water that separates Asia and North America, was easily walked across by the Indians who were following the animals that they were hunting. Much later this ice sheet melted and the land bridge became covered with water. By then, Indian groups had already spread throughout the New World, all over North and South America. These Indian groups developed different cultures because of the different climates and landforms in the regions in which they settled. Body Anthropologists, scientists who study human culture, classify the hundreds of North and South American Indian tribes into groups of tribes that are alike. These groups are called culture areas. Some of the cultures of North America are the Arctic; the Northeast, or Eastern Woodlands; the Plains; and Southwest. The Indians spoke hundreds of different languages and had many different ways of life. Some groups lived in great cities and others in small villages. The Aztec and the Maya of Central America built large cities. Some of the Aztec cities had as many as 100,000 people. The Maya built special buildings in which they studied the moon, the stars, and the sun. They also developed a calendar and a system of writing. Many of the Indians of Eastern North America lived in villages. They hunted and farmed, growing such crops as beans, corns and squash (Bains, 1985). Most of the Indians were friendly at first and taught the newcomers many things. The European explorers followed Indian trails to sources of water and deposits of copper, gold, silver, turquoise, and other minerals. The Indians taught them to make snowshoes and sleds and to travel by canoe. Food was another of the Indians’ important gifts. The Indians grew many foods that the newcomers had never heard of, such as avocados, corn, peanuts, peppers, pineapples, potatoes, squash, and tomatoes. They also introduced the whites to tobacco. The Indians, in turn, learned much from the whites. The Europeans brought many goods that were new to the Indians. These goods included metal tools, guns, and liquor. The Europeans also brought cattle and horses, which were unknown to the Indians. The Europeans and the Indians had widely different ways of life. Some Europeans tried to understand the Indians’ ways and treated them fairly. But others cheated the Indians and took their land. When the Indians fought back, thousands of them were killed in battle. At first, they had only bows and arrows and spears, but the Europeans had guns. Even more Indians died from measles, smallpox, and other new diseases introduced by the whites. As the Europeans moved westward across North America, they became a greater threat to the Indian way of life. Finally, most of the remaining Indians were moved onto reservations. Most daily activities of an Indian family centered on providing the main necessities of life such as food, clothing, and shelter. Men and women usually had separate tasks. For example, both men and women were often involved in providing food. But they did so in different ways. In some areas, the women gathered wild plants for food, and the men hunted. In the Northeast and Southeast culture areas, the men hunted, and the women farmed the land. In parts of what are now Arizona and New Mexico and in Middle and South America, the men did the farming. The women gathered plants. In all areas, women were generally responsible for preparing the food. Many Indians married at an early age, the girls between 13 and 15 and the boys between 15 and 20. In some Indian tribes, the parents or other relatives chose the marriage partners for the young people. In other tribes, especially those of North America, a young man could select his own mate. He had to convince the girl and her parents that he would make a suitable husband. In many cases, he offered them valuable gifts to win their approval. Throughout most of the New World, marriage was a family affair and not a religious ceremony. The boy’s family usually gave presents to the bride’s family. Many newly married couples lived with the girl’s family and the husband worked for her family until the birth of a child. Then the couple might establish their own home. But they generally did not move to a new home in a new area. Many other newly married couples joined an existing family group or lived close to one. Some of the couples moved in with other relatives of the woman or with the relatives of the man. This extended family shared with the daily work of the household, including the raising of children. Many Indian groups allowed men to have more than one wife. But this practice was common only among rich or powerful men. After a man died, his wife would often live with his brother as husband and wife even if the brother was already married. Similarly, if a woman died, her family would probably be expected to give her husband another unmarried daughter to replace her. Most Indian families were small because many children died at birth or as babies. Indian children were praised when they behaved well and shamed when they misbehaved. Only the Aztec and Inca tribes had regular schools. Boys and girls of other tribes learned to perform men’s and women’s jobs by helping their parents and older brothers and sisters. After most boys reached their early teens, they went through a test of strength or bravery called an initiation ceremony. Many went without food for a long period or lived alone in the wilderness. In some tribes, a boy was expected to have a vision of the spirit that would become his lifelong guardian. Some groups also had initiation ceremonies for girls. A teenager who successfully completed an initiation ceremony was considered an adult and ready to be married. Food that Indians ate depended on where they lived. Indian tribes that lived on the plains of the United States, where buffalo and other game were plentiful, ate mainly meat. Meat was also the principal food of those Indians who inhabited the woodlands and tundra (frigid treeless plain) of Alaska and Canada. The Pueblo of the Southwest and other farming groups lived chiefly on beans, corn, and squash. Potatoes were an important crop among the Inca. MacNeish (1992) stated that Indians in the tropical areas of South America made bread from the roots of bitter cassava, a small shrub. Tribes that lived near water caught fish and gathered shellfish. Most Indian groups ate berries, nuts, roots, seeds, and wild plants. They also gathered salt and collected maple sap wherever they could. Indians made a kind of tea from such plants as sassafras and wintergreen. Many Indians drank a mild beer that was known as chicha. They made this beer from corn, cassava, peanuts, or potatoes. Indians who ate mostly meat cooked it by roasting, broiling, or boiling. Farming Indians and others who ate chiefly vegetables developed various methods of boiling or baking. They often made pit ovens by lining holes in the ground with hot stones. Indians preserved meat by smoking it or by drying it in the sun. North American Indians mixed dried meat with grease and berries to make a food called pemmican. Most Indians ate with their fingers, but some used spoons made from animal bones, shells, or wood. Indians built many kinds of homes because they lived in different climates and had different building materials available to them (Brandt & Guzzi, 1985). Those who moved about a great deal had simple shelters they could carry easily, or they built temporary shelters. Indians who stayed in one place built larger, more permanent homes. Some groups built large houses where many families lived together. Others had simple dwellings that housed only a few people. In some cases, shelter changed with the season. Some Indians in Canada built snow houses during the winter. But in the summer, they lived in tents made of animal hides. In the United States, these Indians are sometimes called Eskimos. In other areas, the Indians covered their tepees with animal skins or with tree bark. Indians at the southern tip of South America also used skins to cover shelters called windbreaks, which were open on one side. Some tribes of the Northwest made cloth of bark and reeds, and the Pueblo wove cotton cloth. The Aztec, Inca, Maya, and some Caribbean tribes wove beautiful cotton and woolen cloth. Indians in the hot South American areas often wore no clothing at all. In many tribes, a man wore only a breechcloth, a narrow band of cloth that passed between the legs and looped over the front and rear of a belt. Women wore simple aprons or skirts. Indians in colder climates wore leggings, shirts, and robes. Some wore sandals or moccasins to protect their feet. Travel by water was the most common means of transportation. Many Indians used bark canoes, which were light and easy to carry. Some large dugout canoes carried as many as 60 people. The Plains tribes used dogs and, later, horses to pull a load-carrying frame called a travois. Andean Indians used alpacas and llamas as beasts of burden. But these animals could not carry heavy loads, so the people themselves carried most of their goods. People often supported a heavy load on their back with a pack strap called a tumpline. Indians of the Arctic and the Northwest Coast and some other areas hunted or fished for most of their food. They also hunted some birds only for the feathers, and they prized the fur of beavers and certain other animals. Indians in the West got most of their food by gathering wild seeds, nuts, and roots. Even in the Southwest and other farming areas, hunting, gathering, and fishing were important. The most important game animals of North and South America included deer; rabbits and other small game: ducks, geese, herons, seals, sea lions, whales, turtles, and snakes. Bear, buffalo, caribou, elk, and moose lived only in North America. Animals that were hunted mainly in South America included the guanaco, jaguar, peccary, rhea, and tapir. Indians hunted with the same kinds of weapons they used in war. Many bows and arrows, spears, and clubs had special features for hunting. For example, some Indians used unsharpened arrows to shoot birds in trees. These arrows stunned the birds so that they fell to the ground. The Hopi stunned small game with a kind of boomerang. The Indians caught fish with harpoons, hooks and lines, spears, and traps and nets. Tribes of the Northwest Coast also used long poles called herring rakes. These poles had jagged points and could catch a number of herring at one time. In tropical South America, Indians stood on river sand bars and shot fish with bows and arrows. Both North and South American Indians used drugs to catch fish. In one method, Indians chopped up certain plants and threw them in the water. These plants stunned the fish. Then the Indians could easily scoop them out of the water. Indians of the Northeast and the Tropical Forest used slash-and-burn farming methods. They cut down a number of trees and burned them. Then they planted their crops among the trunks. The ashes from the burned trees served as fertilizer. Indians in Mexico and the Southern United States raised turkeys. Wars occurred from time to time among the tribes of the Americas. But not all tribes took part in warfare. Many tribes opposed fighting, and others were so small that they did not have enough warriors to fight a war. Many of the Indian leaders who tried to defend their tribes and land against the white people became famous warriors. They included King Philip, a Wampanoag; Pontiac, an Ottawa; Tecumseh, a Shawnee; Osceola, a Seminole; Crazy Horse, of the Sioux; and Geronimo, an Apache. The bow and arrow was probably the most common Indian weapon throughout North and South America. Some South American tribes put poison on their arrowheads. Many Indians fought with spears and war clubs (Steele & Galdone 1992). The Indians of eastern North America developed a special type of club known as the tomahawk. A weapon of the Aztec consisted of pieces of obsidian (volcanic glass) stuck into a wooden club. South American Indians used blowguns and slings. Warfare gave Indians a chance to achieve high rank in their tribes. On the Plains, it was considered braver to touch a live enemy and get away than to kill the enemy. This act was known as counting coup â€Å"koo†. Warriors on the Plains carried a coup stick into battle and attempted to touch an enemy with it. Those warriors who counted coup wore eagle feathers as signs of their courage.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of Sherman Alexies The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven and Smoke Signals

Analysis movies and books by Sherman Alexei's Lonely Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven and Smoke Signal based on his short stories written for his movies The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven are all Indian Describes the issues that must be addressed and how they deal with this book is much more complicated than a movie and shows more characters in different circumstances. In the movie, hero Victor is trying to be a typical Indian, or just a typical person. Sherman Alexie is based on his collection The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven's storytelling selection. The title and title of Smoke Signals are about the mainstream culture. Stereotype and prejudice about indigenous culture How did Alexis launch these stereotypes in his writings? †¢ Point out the standard scripting conventions used in text. Students can tell stories they learned (short stories, novels collections etc) or their stories and write it as a script You can extend this activity by creating a st oryboard to fit your script I will. Students can apply standard scripting conventions correctly - combining visual components and devices to enhance meaning and effect - to show understanding of forms (eg, conversation or narration to emphasize dictation) ) Analysis movies and books by Sherman Alexei's Lonely Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven and Smoke Signal based on his short stories written for his movies The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven are all Indian Describes the issues that must be addressed and how they deal with this book is much more complicated than a movie and shows more characters in different circumstances. In the movie, hero Victor is trying to be a typical Indian, or just a typical person. Abstract: Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven is a collection of 1993 short stories by Sherman Alexie. The letters and stories in the book, in particular This is the meaning of Phoenix, Arizona provides the basis for Alexis' movie 'Smoke Signal'. Lone Ranger a nd Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, published by Atlantic Monthly Press in 1993, is a revolutionary book by Sherman Aleksey. This work is composed of 22 interrelated stories and is often expressed as a collection of short stories by critics, but some people think that they have a new function similar to Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich. The central figures of this book, Victor Joseph and Thomas Builds - The - Fire, are two young Indians living in the Spokane Indian Settlement, telling the relationship with their families and other residents. , Wishes and history.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

American Poetry Interpretation Paper Research Proposal

American Poetry Interpretation Paper - Research Proposal Example It is quite intriguing to know that the speaker in this poem questions through several inquisitive remarks the need for building walls to his laconic neighbor, but at the same time the speaker takes the initiative every year to let his neighbor know about the wall-building task. Besides that, the speaker also repairs the walls that have been destroyed by the hunters. It is also shocking the way the seemingly peaceful neighbor is described by the speaker 'like an old-stone savage armed' (1914). John C. Kemp explains the irony in this poem as follows: 'Ironically (and there is much irony in this poem), although the speaker complains about his neighbor's unfriendliness, his own susceptibility to subjective vision and his willingness to let his imagination run away with him predispose him also to prejudicial attitudes.' (Kemp, 1979, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a). It is obvious that "Mending Wall" is concerned with the state of incommunication between the neighbors (Montiero, 1988, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a), but a central theme of this poem is related to the critical spirit of the speaker that echoes some kind of influence from authors like Emerson and Thoreau. Analyzing the speaker's attitude towards his neighbor, Racher Hadas makes the following assertations: 'What he objects to is not so much the sentiment itself as the unwillingness or inability of the other to think for himself, to "go beyond his father's saying."' (Hadas, 1976, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a). Furthermore, the use of irony, ambiguity, and critical thinking in Frost's poetry can be understood from his remarks in the essay "Education by Poetry" as follows: 'Poetry provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another. People say, "Why don't you say what you mean" We never do that, we being all of us too much poets. We like to talk in parables and in hints and indirections--whether from diffidence or some other instinct.' (Frost quoted by Raab, 1996, in Modern American Poetry, 2002a). On the other hand, in "The Road Not Taken" there is a subtle irony hidden through some ambigous lines that many readers fail to understand in their right dimension. The speaker had been faced with the challenge of choosing between two paths that in essence are equivalent ('...Then took the other, as just as fair...', '...really about the same...', '...equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black...' (Frost, 1916)). The final stanza can be interpreted with a deeper meaning that the one that lies in the surface as Jay Parini points out: 'My guess is that Frost, the wily ironist, is saying something like this: "When I am old, like all old men, I shall make a myth of my life. I shall pretend, as we all do, that I took the less traveled road. But I shall be lying."' (Parini, 1988, in Modern American Poetry, 2002c). Indeed, the speaker chose the "road less traveled" but this doesn't mean that it was in fact the best decision in the long run (Richardson, 1997, in Modern American Poetry, 2002c). For Robert Faggen, the hidden implications of this poem can be found in the fact that 'It parodies and demurs from the biblical idea

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

President Kennedy and Civil Rights Research Paper

President Kennedy and Civil Rights - Research Paper Example Author Shelly Sommer presents John F. Kennedy in his book, â€Å"John F Kennedy: His life and legacy† in many roles such as a boy, a young adolescent, a hero of wars, a husband, a great politician, and finally the youngest President of America. But the question should be raised that whether John F. Kennedy really cared about civil rights or it was just to defeat Nixon in office and be the President of America? The votes of African American people were as much important for him as the whites and so President Kennedy has to make his way to the office anyhow. When two African American students, Vivian Malone and James Hood decided to take admission in the University of Alabama in summers of 1963, President John F. Kennedy- a spirited and energetic leader of that time led the movement of Civil rights to let these students enter the university. He challenged the southern courts to take notice of the situation and take into consideration this issue to grant equal rights to African A mericans as well. On the evening of September 30, 1963, President delivered a speech in which he issued a declaration that Mississippi should abolish segregation and let African American students attend the college. ...   He asked for a federal legislature for the rights of African Americans and thus his words were transformed into actions after his death when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted. ( Blaustein, Albert P, and Robert L. Zangrando. Civil Rights and the American Negro: A Documentary History). Critics of Kennedy Supporting Civil Rights’ Some people, however, believed that John F. Kennedy was not much interested in civil rights; rather he was famous for Cold War issues and Cuban Missile Crisis. This belief was not pointless. Kennedy’s attitudes towards Civil Rights before the election campaign proved it to be true. He voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 by Eisenhower. Kennedy wanted to serve the Democrats in the elections of 1960s, and to do so he has to oppose the bill as Democrats were in the opposition to the bill at that time. Finally, Kennedy won the elections as leader of the Democratic Party in 1960 and defeated Nixon. This act of Kennedy proves that all h e did was his personal gains and he has no interests in the rights or equality of African Americans. Kennedy suddenly converted or changed his point of view when he was nominated as a candidate from Democratic Party for the Presidential Elections of 1960. He delivered speeches promising equal rights to African Americans and preserving their dignity and sovereignty. Historians are confused over this abrupt change in the attitude. Supporters of Kennedy see the antagonism toward the Civil Act of 1957 as a political necessity.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Wal-mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wal-mart - Essay Example China is WalMart’s largest supplier, but in terms of sales WalMart ranks 24th in China after the local stores, while French retail giant Carrefour ranks fourth. The WalMart model of everyday low prices, coupled with supplier and cost controls has been successful in some countries such as Mexico, Canada and Britain. In Germany, the company has not done well due to existing competition, high labour costs and zoning laws. Altho0ugh China has the kind of market size comparable to domestic markets, thereby presenting an opportunity to duplicate domestic success, this has not occurred, as stated above. The Company has been losing money since its arrival in the country. Some of the other foreign retail chains operating in the country include UK’s Tesco, Thailand’s Lotus and Germany’s Metro. The local Chinese retail chain, Bailan, was most successful because of localised demand, supply base and distribution. Due to the wide disparities in income among Chinese customers, Walmart could not operate its national model, because purchasing patterns and good demanded were different at different locations and a standardised model was n ot successful. Local protectionism was also a barrier. The poor infrastructure in the country also added to the logistical and supply costs, thereby increasing costs. Firstly, Walmart’s attracted customers by its Everyday Low Prices. It maintained a relentless cost control system by allowing few perks for its officers and employees. It was also able to negotiate tough deals with its suppliers, using its ability to place bulk orders to also make other demand such as high quality and low prices, which it then passed on to its customers. It ,maintained several distribution outlets and initiated an electronic data interchange system, allowing suppliers to track sales to deliver new stocks and they were

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategies for Google Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategies for Google - Essay Example Yahoo needs to be more innovative, flexible and fast to capture in order to reatin its position in the market. Google launches products early, well before competitors go to market with the same ideas. This is the Google’s positive and aggressive approach towards market capitalization and also focusing on to explore the needs of the users before the user thinks towards it. Google has made more than 50 acquisitions since 2001 and it is quite evident that the Google knock out all its rivals in order to take the competitive advantage and opts the aggressive business strategy towards boosting its revenue. Google came up with the different idea in online advertising and google suppose to be the pioneer after the introduction of Ad Words and Ad Sense, and thus created a sensation in the field of online advertising (Baril, 2009). The innovation is the key of success.The Google’s smart innovative and smart strategies since its inception wondered Yahoo. From the perspective of searching information and answering queries, Google offers a lot to its valubale users.Recently, Google shaking hands with worlds top most universities like Harvard, Oxford and some others to digitize their libraries (Honey , 2009). The difference exists between Google and Yahoo with respect to the revenue. Yahoo generates its revenue from Yahoo mail, ads, and some other features where as Google gets almost 85% of its revenue from ads.The reason behind is the Google’s technological innovations which is the user-friendly and gains the popularity world over (Honey , 2009). Google launched SDC (Secure Data Connector) in the year 2009 its feature is to access the users to secure corporate data, even working with Google application outside the firewall. In addition, SDC also allows that secure data to be accessed from inside Google Gadgets, Google App Engine, and Google Spreadsheets (Kolakowski, 2009). In the years to come, Google plans to develop its own operating system .It is an

Shamrock Convenient Store on Lake Wee,GA and Shamrock Convenient Store Essay

Shamrock Convenient Store on Lake Wee,GA and Shamrock Convenient Store #2 - Essay Example The strategic point implies that the set up cost is expected to be relatively high. The startup capital is estimated to be $600000 with stock taking a $500000. The remaining amount will be used in other expenses such are business registration, licenses and refurbishing the premises. Sales revenues are expected to grow by 15% for the next three years. The growth in sales will be used to offset debt obligations of the firm. As noted, the firm will use debt financing to start and operate. Despite the increase in expenses and taxes, the sales revenue will be high enough to offset the expenses and retain the high profit margin. The business will rely on debt financing to fund its operations for the first 3 months. After 3 months business operations will be funded from the sales proceeds. The implication here is that the business will be able to sustain itself. The business will start servicing its debt while maintain a degree of profitability. According to Levinson (2007), guerilla-marketing strategies are essential for small business since they are inexpensive and thus require a small marketing budget. The guerilla strategies aim at attracting the attention of the target audience. In this regard, the Shamrock Convenient Store will use the strategies to reach out to prospective customers. The strategies are advised by the fact that the convenience store targets the local population as well as travelers. Shamrock Convenient Store will use strategies such as legal graffiti, raising awareness on social media, word of mouth, and creating partnerships. Graffiti is important as it boosts visibility of the business and curiosity of the target audience. The business will identify some of the dirty walls within the neighborhood and clean them. The walls will then be painted with attractive colors with the stores logo and several of its products (Mumaw, 2011). By so doing, the community will appreciate the work done in cleaning the walls and also in painting. Painting

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Position paper over why marijuana should be legalized for recreational Essay

Position paper over why marijuana should be legalized for recreational use - Essay Example This comparison significantly influence public perception on the issue. In analyzing the arguments on for and against marijuana, supporting the legalization of marijuana has more benefits to the society than its negative effects. Consequently, marijuana should be legalized for recreational use. Most criticism on marijuana are based on the medical impact on the user. Similar to most drugs, marijuana has side effects. However, the side effects of the drug can be easily addressed. In comparison to legal and most abused drugs in the United States, marijuana poses the less significant health risks. In an argument by Brewer the health risks associated to cigarettes and alcohol cannot be compared to that of marijuana (1). For instance, numerous studies have shown the cancerous effects of tobacco. Apart from studies, it is proven that cigarette use is a major cause of cancer. This is dissimilar to marijuana. The drug still has zero proven cases reported as a cause of cancer. Still on cigarettes, tobacco is highly addictive compared to marijuana. Rampant users have difficulty in refraining from its use. On the other hand, marijuana addiction are rare as users easily cope with absence. Comparing the two drugs, Brewer is of the assumption that tobacco is hugely dangerous to human hea lth than tobacco (1). The author further asserts that tobacco has been a cause of death of 500,000 people annually in the United States (Brewer 1). From this provisions, one may assert that is cigarette is a legal drug, marijuana should also be legal. The argument is based on the adverse effects of tobacco on human health as compared to tobacco. The same comparison could be made on the effects of alcohol. As reported by the CDC, 25,000 deaths caused by alcohol overdose were reported in 201 (Brewer 1). In addition, 16,000 liver disease deaths were contributed to alcohol abuse (Brewer 1). These statistics display the impact of the health hazards associated with alcohol abuse. The same

Friday, August 23, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 16

Globalization - Essay Example It is all about the monumental structural alteration occurring in the procedures of production and distribution in the global economy. This requires the existence and development of an information and communications infrastructure that is advanced and based on a proper communication system as well as better methods of dissemination of information. Globalization has brought about a shift in the traditional balance of power between nations in the global arena in that it has broken many barriers that restricted the movement and reach of people through networking and has given more power to distinct entities to influence both markets and the nation-states thus producing a super-empowered individual (Gilbert 173). Beyond all numbers, globalization has at least three impacts to all countries that embrace it in that it leads to fast economic growth, reduction in poverty and increasing more job opportunities. It pulls the countries out from their detachment into the competitive world that leads towards new collaborations and unity thus greatly reducing the distance and isolation that exists in the world into a global village making life extremely easier and comfortable. One of the most crucial advantages of globalization is that it has led to the generation of very many employment opportunities to the unemployed as well as income generation to the people in the host country as the migration of people has become easier thus leading to even better jobs opportunities. Similarly, globalization has expanded the capabilities of people to increase their ability to lead long and healthy lives, that has enabled them to cultivate and make good use of their talents thus affording them lives of dignity and self-actualization. This is done by increasing the stock physical capital, new technologies, changing institutions, altering incentives among others (Marmolejo 103). The formation of employment and opportunities to acquire

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Comparison and Contrast between the UN and the WTO Essay Example for Free

Comparison and Contrast between the UN and the WTO Essay The United Nations is an international organization that acts as a pool between 191 member countries in the world. The UN was founded in 1945 with the objective of preventing the conflict between member countries. However, in the past 60 years, its responsibilities have increased manifold and now it has become the most important organization in the world that has authority over almost all countries in the world. The world Trade Organization is a multilateral organization that sets the rules and regulation for the global trading system. It also resolves disputes between the member countries. It is the most powerful organization in global business and trade. The WTO was founded in 1995 after several rounds of negotiations that lasted for decades. Although both the United Nations and WTO work for the benefit of their member countries, their functions and operations are quite different. Structure of the UN and the WTO The United Nations is divided into several administrative bodies including the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council and the UN Economic and Social Council. There are also several other organs of the UN that work for the benefit of people across the globe. â€Å"The UN Secretary General is the head of the Secretariat, which is one of the principal organs of the United Nations. The UN Security Council is the most powerful body within the UN. It has five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members† . Representatives from all member countries of the UN meet in the UN General Assembly and discuss important issues. The structure of the WTO is completely different from that of the United Nations. â€Å"Currently, there are 150 member countries in the WTO. There are different levels in the WTO structure. Ministerial Conference is the highest decision making body within the WTO. It can make decisions on all trade-related matters. The General Council is another level organ of the WTO, which carries out the functions of the WTO on a regular basis† . Missions and Objectives The main objective of the UN is to ensure peace in the world. It also keeps a tab on issues such as health, economy, security, population growth, unemployment, disarmament, human rights and social development. â€Å"The UN General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and other important bodies of the UN cooperate with each other to provide assistance to the member countries on the issues that need special attention† . When an issue is considered very important, the General Assembly has the power to convene an international conference to draw global attention to it. The UN also works for sustainable development and invests in basic education, health care and economic opportunities for all. The WTO aims to increase international trade by promoting lower trade barriers. It also provides a platform for the negotiation of trade and business development. The WTO sincerely works to resolve disputes between member countries. â€Å"The main objective of the WTO is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers. It also ensures a competitive trading system that accommodates more developing countries and gives them more time to adjust with others† . Financial Resources The United Nations is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from member states. The UN General Assembly approves the regular budget and determines the assessment for each member country. The United States is the largest contributor to the UN. The WTO is also financed by its member countries. Besides the member countries, many non-government organizations are also involved in generating funds for the WTO. Transparency The United Nations is not a mere governing institution. It is a forum where sovereign nations gather to discuss their differences and resolve them amicably. In the recent years, several reform initiatives have been taken in order to make the UN more transparent and accountable. The governing power of the United Nations has been expanded by squeezing out most of its inefficiency. The WTO allows all member nations to hold discussion on all concerns related to trade and business. It also focuses on non-trade concerns such as gender issues, employment, health, food security, ecology and animal welfare. â€Å"The WTO maintains open principles and cooperates with other international organizations. It also takes the accountability for protecting vulnerable economies of developing countries against powerful countries in the world† . It serves the welfare of all people who intend to have economic benefits. Conflicts between the two Organizations The Global presence of both the organizations and their operations for the growth and development of countries often result in bigger conflicts. The power invested in the WTO overshadows some of the global institutions of the United Nations. Sometimes, the decisions made by the WTO also over-ride the jurisdiction and mandates of the UN bodies. â€Å"Ecology and biodiversity are two major areas where both the organizations contradict each other. While the WTO allows free trade and business irrespective of ecological consequences, the United Nations emphasizes on environment, biodiversity and climate change by putting certain restrictions on trade and agriculture† . Difference on Development Issue There are several differences in the approaches of the United Nations and the WTO. That undermined the global progress on development. â€Å"The standards set by the United Nations in human rights, labor rights and social policies have drawn criticism from the WTO. On the other hand, the UN wants the WTO to concentrate on trade, not on health and other services. The strained relationship between the UN and the WTO has become a major obstacle for economic growth and development† . The actions of most countries in the WTO are not consistent with their commitment to the United Nations. Most of the members of the International Labor Organization (ILO), a UN body, are also members of the WTO. They have differences on several issues including the market policy and labors’ rights. Conclusion Both the UN and the WTO are the most powerful organizations in the world. Their main objective is to work for the development of the countries in the world. Although their individual roles are different, they share the same vision. The United Nations is the largest organization in the world and plays much broader role in various fields whereas the WTOs role is limited to trade and business. Both the organizations hold negotiations and discussions between the member countries for the implementation of policies.These organizations provide opportunities to all countries to resolve their disputes and conflicts. Bibliography Hoekman, Bernard M. Michel M. Kostecki. The Political Economy of the World Trading System: From GATT to WTO. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Murphy, Craig N. Global Institutions, Marginalization and Development. London: Routledge, 2005. Condon, Bradly J. NAFTA, WTO, and Global Business Strategy: How Aids, Trade, and Terrorism Affect Our Economic. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 2002.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Spotify The Way Forward Information Technology Essay

Spotify The Way Forward Information Technology Essay Peer-to-peer file swapping websites are becoming increasingly popular across the world as the next generation of the music sharing industry is developed. Peer-to-peer networking allows users to connect with each other to search for and share information. This information is decentralized, it does not require a central database server to search for locations of music files, it requires the use of peer-to-peer client software. The client software needs to be installed on users local machines (nodes), which then gather information on media files available for sharing and stores the information into a catalogue. When the user searches for media files the client software connects to other nodes across the networks (called hops) which search their catalogues, and this process continues. If a positive result occurs the client software connects directly with the peer that has the file and the media will be transferred. Users of the network can be both a supplier (information provider) and a consumer (information requester), the user can connect with multiple users all with the required resource, as the files transfer they can also be forwarded onto further users requesting the same files, saving time. Advantages of peer-to-peer include the ease of setting up, the speed of transfer of information, large numbers of peers can be contacted quickly, the network is not vulnerable to failure as there is such a wide spread of data not reliant on one centralized source. However disadvantages can include the potential for bugs and viruss during installation of client software, data is less secure, the provider may not be reliable and you may be breaching copyright and licensing laws. Peer-to-peer can be inefficient as its unknown which peers have the required information, a large number of hops can occur in a short space of time, potentially clogging the networks, but they will not be indefinite as a time to live countdown is in place which decreases with each hop until reaching zero at which point the search will end. A new internet music website is taking the industry by storm called Spotify, the site differs to normal peer-to-peer sites, you cant buy (or download) free music, but you can create a playlist or collection of your favourite songs to listen to just as you would on a radio station. Also there is an option to create or join collaborative playlists that are independent from the site and shared via websites, these can be added to by individual users. The tracks come with some advertisements between songs. A daily advert free listening package is an option for a small fee, or by subscribing monthly it can be entirely free of advertisements. Because there is no downloading of files Spotify is fast to use. It has a vast collection of songs, artists and albums. This is makes it very popular, however it has recently been forced to remove thousands of songs by the record labels who maintain control of what can be played where. Spotify argue that because tracks are only being listened to this could reduce the desire to illegally download and limit piracy. Spotify has recently released an Application Programing Interface (API) which it hopes will spread through other media devices such as gaming consoles, mobile phones and other media devices. An API is a way for website or service to talk to another website or service. APIs let you mix information and media from other services into your own site or application. (Wibbels 2009) The API is a set of predefined programming behaviour that Spotify have developed, which they can release to programmers to enable them to develop their own products to incorporate Spotify. This enables the company to reach out to many new users with a broad range of devices, for example an Apple iphone user may discover an application for Spotify to download to his device, having not previously heard of the service. In recent months a mobile device HTC Hero has become available with Spotify included. The Spotify subscription is paid in with the device contract, effectively seeming that the mobile device is giving free access to songs. With around 40,000 new users a day signing up to Spotify, there is no doubting its popularity, however does this imply that if free music is available then users will not need to make a music purchase again? There are mixed reviews, some alleged music pirates say they dont need to download illegally now, Spotify meets all their needs, other users are saying they will never buy music again. On the other hand some people are using Spotify to listen to music before going to purchase, on a try before you buy basis. It seems that Spotify is proving very useful for a wide spread of users. I think the release of the API will, as in the case of the HTC Hero device, spread the word of Spotify even further, however because of the ongoing problems with the music industry and copyright and licensing issues potential manufacturers of new devices need to move with caution, if licensing laws were favourable to the music industry and caused the demise of Spotify, with no API a lot of devices could potentially be useless. To conclude, I think that Spotify could be very successful in the future, the main barrier being its lack of support from the music industry. If more support, trust and guidance was provided by record and marketing companies then perhaps we would see developments of a more secure data transfer system, removing the chances of bugs and viruss for the users. The programing and network system on which it is based could prove to be the future of all online music sharing. I believe that this approach to the industry is a way forward, however I believe the software developers have a responsibility to behave ethically and responsibly so not to infringe the rights of all involved in the music industry. [989 words] Bibliography Spotify Ltd (2007 2010) About Spotify Available from Accessed 7th May 2010 Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (9th May 2010) Peer-to-Peer Available from Accessed 12th May 2010 Kayne (2010) What is P2P? Available from Accessed 12th May 2010 uCertify (2008) What are the advantages and disadvantages of a peer-to-peer network? Available from Accessed 17th May 2010 Johnson B and Arthur C (2009) Spotify opens doors to UK as record industry slams them shut. Available from Accessed 23rd May 2010 Johnson (2009) Spotify plots launch of new API. Available from Accessed 23rd May 2010

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Aerobic and Resistance Training Effect on Lipoprotein Levels

Aerobic and Resistance Training Effect on Lipoprotein Levels INTRODUCTION Obesity in adult population is related to obesity during their childhood. In addition, obese adolescents are at risk of developing obesity as adults, who tend to have abnormal lipid and glucose levels (1). Obesity is one of the major risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases (14) Altered metabolism of lipids is observed in obese individuals. (3) ) It has been suggested that high levels of cholesterol among children and adolescents is positively associated with development of future coronary heart disease.(5)In obese children and adolescents, increased low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and low levels of High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol occur as abnormal lipid profile.(4,18)Among these, high density lipoprotein cholesterol is an important marker for risk of developing cardiovascular disease.(6) High density lipoprotein level alone is indicative of development of coronary artery disease and there is negative relationship between level of high density lipoprote in and occurrence of cardiovascular abnormality. (7) In contrast to increased low density lipoprotein levels, increased high density lipoprotein level provides protection against atherosclerosis process. High density lipoprotein performs this protective function by removing extra cholesterol from macrophages in the arterial walls to the liver for excretion through bile. This process is known as Reverse cholesterol transport. Further, high density lipoprotein (HDL) also has anti-oxidant properties. (2, 19) In addition to cardio protective action, high density lipoprotein protects against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. So, alteration in serum levels of high density lipoproteins will affect the future management of cardiovascular and degenerative neuronal disorders. (7) High density lipoprotein levels are elevated in those who are physically active. (8) Exercise has been identified as effective treatment for maintaining normal lipid levels in adolescents. (9) So, it has been widely accepted that regular aerobic training improves high density lipoprotein levels and thus protects against cardiovascular abnormalities.(8) Resistance exercise also has shown improvements in High density lipoprotein levels.(10) Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of aerobic and resistance training on high density lipoprotein levels in obese adolescent males. Independent variable Aerobic exercise training and resistance exercise training are independent variables for this study. Dependent variables Plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level Hypotheses H1: There will be significant change in high density lipoprotein level following aerobic exercise training. Ho1: There will be no difference in change in high density lipoprotein level following aerobic exercise training. H2: There will be significant change in high density lipoprotein level following resistance exercise training. Ho2: There will be no difference in change in high density lipoprotein level following resistance exercise training. H3: There will be significant difference in change in high density lipoprotein levels between both groups. Ho3: There will be no difference in change in high density lipoprotein levels between both groups. Assumption It is assumed that participants will not change their lifestyle and diet habits during study duration. Participants are not taking medicines which can affect the outcome and will give best efforts during exercise. Delimitations In this study participants will be male obese adolescents only. Limitations This study covers limited age group. (13-15 years) Study focuses on obese male individuals only. LITERATURE REVIEW Plourde (2002) investigated impact of obesity on glucose and lipid profiles in adolescents at different age groups in relation to adulthood. This study was done in two stages. In the first stage participants were classified in overweight group and control group according to the Body Mass Index (BMI).BMI ≠¥85th percentile was considered overweight, BMI ≠¥95th percentile was considered obese and BMI ≠¤85th percentile were taken as controls. Glucose and lipid profiles were measured in these subjects. Association between glucose and lipid profiles with anthropometric measurements was founded. Second study was retrospective prospective longitudinal study to determine association of obesity in adolescence with that of obesity in adulthood and obesity related risk factors. Seven different age groups from 9 to 38 years were studied from 1974 to 2000. It was concluded that lipid profile and glucose are related to anthropometric measures in adolescents. In addition to this obesi ty in adolescents of 13-15 years was found important factor for obesity in adulthood. (1) Zhang et al. (2014) studied the association of simple anthropometric indices and body fat with early atherosclerosis and lipid profiles in Chinese adults. Purpose of this study was to determine the best adiposity index to predict the early atherosclerosis and abnormal lipid profiles. In this study 2,063 women and 814 men participated. Assessment for body mass index, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and waist to height ratio were taken. Along with this intima media thickness of common carotid artery, internal carotid arteries and bifurcation were measured. Fasting Lipid profiles were assessed. Statistical analysis was conducted to know the relation between the measures. It was found that waist circumference, waist to hip ratio and waist to height ratio were closely related to intima media thickness and lipid profiles. Based on the results, it was concluded that abdominal anthropometric measures were associated with lipid profile and atherosclerosis. Waist circumference was sugg ested to be the best measurement for its simple use. Takami et al. (2001) found relation between body fat distributions, metabolic abnormalities and carotid atherosclerosis. In this study, it was hypothesized that the intra-abdominal fat is more important factor over general adiposity to predict metabolic abnormalities and atherosclerosis. This cross sectional study included 849 Japanese men with 20-70 years of age. Body mass index was taken as general adiposity measurement. Waist circumference, waist-hip ratio and computed tomography were taken as measure of intra-abdominal fat distribution. Relation between these factors and lipid profile, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and intima media thickness was analyzed. Results showed association between these factors. It was concluded that body mass index and waist hip ratio are better clinical predictors of carotid atherosclerosis. Chang, Liu, Zhao, Li and Yu (2008) examined the effect of supervised exercise training on metabolic risk factors and physical fitness in Chinese obese children in early puberty. In this study, 49 obese children of 12 to 14 year of age were divided into control and exercise groups. Exercise group was given 9 to 12 months of supervised exercise training and health education once every 3 months. Control group was given only health education. Improved insulin sensitivity and associated factors of metabolic syndrome along with slowed progression of obesity was observed in exercise group. It was concluded that obesity and physical inactivity continue in adulthood and are risk factors for cardiovascular and other chronic diseases. (11) Flynn et al. (2013) studied factors associated with low High density lipoprotein cholesterol in middle school children with mean age of 11.6 years and observed that overweight or obesity was related to lower levels of high density lipoproteins. There were1104 participants in this study. Participants were analyzed with laboratory screening of lipid profile, blood pressure and physical assessment of body mass index and physical activity. It was concluded that increased fitness and healthy weight management are more likely to increase high density lipoprotein levels in children and adolescents. (6) Kelley and Kelley (2006) studied the effects of aerobic exercises and diet on lipids and lipoproteins in children and adolescents.12 Randomized control trials containing 389 subjects with age group of 5 to 19 years and minimum 4 weeks of exercise interventions were included in this meta-analysis. Effects were aerobic training was observed on high density lipoproteins, low density lipoproteins, triglycerides and total cholesterol. Results showed significant reduction in triglyceride levels along with trend of elevated high density lipoproteins in overweight and obese subjects. (5) Mohammadi et al. (2014) studied the effect of 12 week of aerobic training on homocysteine, lipoprotein A and lipid profile levels in sedentary middle aged men. Subjects were randomly divided into control and aerobic training group. There were 12 male subjects in each group having 40-60 years of age. Aerobic exercise training was given to the aerobic group progressively increasing the duration from 20 to 60 minutes per session. Intensity was increased from 60% of maximum heart rate to 75% of maximum heart rate. Results showed significant increase in high density lipoprotein level and reduction in homocysteine, lipoprotein A and triglycerides level after 12 weeks of intervention of aerobic exercise. Tseng et al. (2013) conducted a pilot study to find out the more effective exercise training in increasing high density lipoprotein levels. There were 40 obese men of 18-29 years of age included in the study. Participants were allotted to four groups. These were Aerobic exercise group, Resistance exercise group, combined exercise group and control group. Exercise intervention was done for 12 weeks. It was observed that either aerobic or resistance training alone significantly raised high density lipoprotein levels, but combined exercise was most effective. (10) Falham et al. studied the effects of endurance and resistance exercise training on plasma lipoprotein levels in 45 healthy elderly women aging 70-87 years. Subjects were assigned to 3 groups randomly. Endurance training group was intervened with walking exercise and progressed from 20 to 50 minutes duration over the period of 3 weeks. Resistance exercise group performed 1 to 3 sets of 8 different exercises at 8 repetitions maximum. Control group did not perform any exercise and continued their normal activity. Interventions lasted for 10 week duration. In the 11th week, lipid profile was measured. Results showed improved levels of high density lipoprotein level and reduced triglyceride level in both endurance and resistance exercise groups. It was concluded that the high intensity exercise alone can alter the lipoprotein levels. Koozehchian et al. (2014) identified the role of exercise training on lipoprotein profiles in adolescent males. In this study 45 subjects participated and they were divided into 3 groups. They were swimmers, soccer players and non-athlete; physically active individuals (control). Each group consisted of 15 individuals. Swimmers and soccer players were participating in their sport activities for at least 3 months immediately before the initiation of the intervention. Swimmers performed supervised swim of 60 minutes for 3 days/week. Soccer players performed supervised soccer training consisting of warm up, stretch, endurance running, team games, strengthening and match for 60 minutes per session for 3 days/week. These interventions lasted for 12 weeks. Plasma low density lipoprotein, Apo-lipoproteins, very low density lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels were measured pre-training and post-training. Increase in mean high density lipoprotein levels and reduction in low density lipoprotein level were found in two interventional groups. From the results, it was concluded that regular swimming and soccer training reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders in adolescents. Kodama et al. conducted meta-analysis to identify the effect of aerobic exercise training on serum levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Only randomized control trials were reviewed. These studies were performed on individuals of ≠¥20 years of age. Studies which had at least 8 weeks of training duration and pre-training and post-training high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurements, were included in the meta-analysis. Sample size of the study varied between 9 to 200 and 1404 of total subjects. Analysis of 25 studies indicated that the mean difference in high density lipoprotein cholesterol change is associated with exercise duration. Approximately, 1.4 mg/dl net rise corresponded to10 minutes increased exercise duration. Study indicated that aerobic exercise is associated with modest elevation in plasma high density lipoprotein level. Duration of the training session was found to be most important factor for prescription. Filho et al. (2011) investigated the effects of exercise training on plasma levels and functional properties of high density lipoprotein cholesterol in the metabolic syndrome.30 sedentary subjects were classified into study group which included 20 subjects with metabolic syndrome and control group consisting of 10 subjects without metabolic syndrome. The study group was intervened with moderate intensity exercise training on bicycle ergometer for 3 months. Blood samples were taken at baseline and after intervention. Results showed reduced triglyceride levels in study group. No significant difference was observed in low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins. However, changes were observed in high density lipoprotein sub fractions. It was concluded that emphasis should be given on functional aspects of lipoproteins along with plasma levels. (12) Gomez et al. (2013) studied the effect of 10 weeks endurance and resistance training on regional fat mass and lipid profile. Study was done on 26 healthy young men aging 22.5 ±1.9 years. Subjects were randomly divided into endurance, resistance and control group. Baseline data for lipid profile and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry to calculate the total and regional fat masses were taken. During 10 week exercise training endurance group performed running and cycling for 90 minutes per session. Exercise intensity was determined based on the initial cardiorespiratory assessment. Intensity ranged between ventilator threshold 1 and 2.Resistance group performed 5 different exercises at 50-90% of 1 repetition maximum with 90 seconds rest in between sets. It was found that change high density lipoprotein was associated with total lean mass and weight, and resistance training was associated with increased lean body mass. Stoedefalke (2007) studied the effects of exercise training on blood lipids and lipoproteins in children and adolescents. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of exercise on total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides. Out of the 14 studies included in the review, positive alteration in the blood lipids and lipoproteins was found in 6 studies. No alteration in lipid profiles was observed in 4 studies. Negative effect on high density lipoprotein was observed in one study. However, there was overall improvement in lipoprotein profile. It was concluded that the equivocal result might be due to various methodological problems, such as low sample size, less than 8 weeks of intervention and inadequate exercise volume. METHODOLOGY Subjects Male adolescents age 13-15 years having Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than or equal to 85 percentile for age, classified as overweight and obese according to Center for Disease Control (CDC) will be included in the study (ped).Subjects with cardiovascular diseases and systemic diseases will be excluded from the study. About 30 subjects will participate in the study. Resting measures Informed consent will be taken from the parents of the subjects. Subjects’ age, height, weight, Body mass index, Waist circumference, Heart rate, Blood pressure and plasma High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol will be measured at rest. Testing protocol All subjects will undergo physician’s examination and health questionnaire. Subjects having cardiovascular, hepatic and other systemic disease will be excluded from the study. Participants’ age, height, weight and Body Mass Index will be recorded. Subjects having BMI of more than or equal to 85th percentile will be included in the study.(ped) Subjects will be asked to not to change their dietary habits during the training period. Subjects will be randomly assigned to aerobic training group and resistance training group. Subjects will be asked to have 12 hour fasting period before baseline measurements. Baseline data of Height and weight will be measured and BMI will be calculated as per weight/height2. (kilogram/meter2) and BMI percentile will be calculated according to Centers for Disease control BMI for age growth chart. Subjects will be given rest for the 10 minutes. Heart rate and blood pressure will be measured with palpation and auscultation method respectively, in sitting position. Venous blood will be collected for measuring plasma High density lipoprotein levels. Participants assigned to aerobic exercise training group will exercise 3days per week. Each session will include 10 minutes warm up exercise, 40 minutes of treadmill walking at 70-75% of maximum heart rate. (1) Maximum heart rate will be calculated as 220-age of the subject. This will be followed by cool down period and stretching for 10 minutes. Participants allotted to resistance exercise training will exercise for 3 days per week. Each session will have 10 minute of warm up period,40 minutes 50-75% of 1 Repetition maximum.(2) and cool down period for 10 minutes. Both groups will continue the exercise for 10 weeks. (Banz et al.) Following the intervention for 10 weeks, BMI, waist-circumference will be measured. Venous blood will be collected to measure the plasma high density lipoprotein levels .Statistical analysis will be done to compare pre and post exercise values and to compare the values in both the groups.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fannie Flaggs Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe :: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe

Fannie Flagg's Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle-Stop Cafe My first impression of Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafà © was that it was a â€Å"woman’s'; novel. This was because the movie, which was more popular than the book, was advertised as a â€Å"chick flick';. To say the least, I was wrong. The novel poses many issues that face the people of the 1920’s and 30’s, and makes one think about what people have struggled through. The novel addresses the issue of racism before the time of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. It tells of the struggles women must go through when they reach menopause; the big change. However, the main plot line tells the story of two women, Idgie Threadgoode and Ruth Jamison, and the trials and tribulations of their life in the 1920’s and 30’s. Idgie and Ruth are business partners, best friends, and in the eyes of many, also lesbians. â€Å"[Fried Green Tomatoes] represents around the issue of lesbianism, depicting a strong and intense friendship between two white women (the tomboy Idgie Threadgoode and the fern Ruth Jamison), but never committing itself one way or another'; (Pelligrini 7). There have not been many stories written about homosexuality in the first half of the twentieth century. That is why Fannie Flagg does not just come out and say that Idgie and Ruth are lesbians. In turn, the idea that Idgie and Ruth are lesbians is a subject that has been under heated debate. However, there are many episodes between Idgie and Ruth that are undeniable proof that they are homosexuals. The idea that Idgie and Ruth are lesbians is rampant throughout the story. It is evidenced by the way they speak to each other and act towards each other, but the idea is subverted due to the fact that everyone in the town sees Idgie as a man. The idea that Idgie and Ruth are lesbians can be misunderstood. To say that they are a lesbian couple does mean that they are sexually involved with each other. However, whether or not Idgie and Ruth are sexually involved is a decision that is left up to the reader. Flagg does not describe in the novel any sexual experiences between Idgie and Ruth. This is because the idea of lesbianism is a touchy subject and could have changed the idea that novel was trying to get across.

Presuppositions Of The Game Theory :: essays research papers

Presuppositions of The Game Theory Soloman believes that as the game theory gets more sophisticated, we tend to lose sight of the problem rather than solve it. He sees the problem as how to get people to think about business and about themselves in an Aristotelian rather than a neo-Hobbesian (or even a Rawlsian) way, which the game theoretical models simply presuppose. Soloman discusses seven presuppositions in the first section of his "Ethics & Excellence" book. They are: rationality and prudence; motivation and self- interest; money and measurement; the anomaly of altruism; good and goals; the open-ended playing field; and the role of the rules. Soloman rejects each presupposition and gives his reasons why. This essay will discuss two of these presuppositions and either agree or disagree with Soloman and then give reasons as to why. The two presuppositions that will be discussed are money and measurement and the role of the rules. Money and Measurement In business, as in most games, we like to keep score. As one of Soloman's businessman friends told him "in business you always know how well you are doing. You just have to put your hand in your pocket." People often think the more money one has, the happier they are. You often hear people say "if I only had more money, I would be happy." Frequently the perceived level of success is compared to the size of one's bank account, the location of their house or the amount of cars in the driveway. People seem to perceive money as being happiness. Soloman says that keeping score, although it is not an essential feature of games, seems to be one of the most durable features of game theory. He thinks that the best way to keep score is to have a dependable point system, a definite unit of worth, which is money. Soloman rejects this presupposition by first stating that "money isn't the only or even primary social good", and "money is only a means and not an end." Soloman agrees with these statements but to further reject this presupposition, he goes on to discuss another example involving money. Social theorists, in general, "like to talk about money, because money is a readily measurable utility, a readily comparable measure, and apparently clear basis for comparison." But even some of these unrefined theorists recognize that equal amounts of money do not have equal significance for different people, therefore money is not an absolute readily measurable utility. Soloman states that various ends are hard to compare and so success and "maximum utility" may be hard to measure. "If we were to assign every end a monetary value, however,

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Existence of God :: Ontological arguments

The dilemma of the existence of God has troubled mankind for thousands of years. Many philosophers have put forth their theories in order to prove the existence of God. Most of these arguments can be termed as ontological. These arguments differ from other arguments for the existence of God since they are not based on empirical data such as the existence or nature of the universe, but are rather grounded in pure logic. First we will consider the arguments presented by Anselm. He believed that God is ‘that than which nothing greater can be conceived’; if one understand this, then God exists in his mind; but it is greater to exist in reality as well as in the mind than to exist only in the mind; therefore, something that exists only in the mind is not ‘that than which nothing greater can be conceived’; therefore, God exists in reality as well. Anselm also puts this another way: we can conceive of a being that cannot be conceived not to exist; such a being is greater than one that can be conceived not to exist; therefore the greatest conceivable being cannot be conceived not to exist; therefore, the greatest conceivable being exists. This argument does seem to conclude that something resembling the traditional theistic God exists – unlike the cosmological and teleological arguments, which seem restricted to a creator and a designer respectively. This argument was immediately criticized by Gaunilo, who argued that parallel reasoning could be applied to prove the existence of a perfect island. This is a reduction of Anselm’s position: it shows it to have absurd consequences. However, it is not clear that there is a coherent concept of the perfect island to start with: how many palm trees is the perfect number? Anselm’s own reply seems to distinguish the perfect island – which is a perfect example of one kind of thing – from the perfect being – which is a perfect example of a thing, with no restriction to kind. It is no virtue, excellence, perfection of an island qua island that it exists, but it is a virtue, excellence, perfection of a being that it exists, so the argument works only for the concept of a perfect being. The bigger criticism is the one Kant levied at Descartes’s version of the argument, but applies equally to Anselm’s. It is that existence is not a great-making quality of a being, because it is not a quality of a being at all; in Kant’s terms ‘existence is not a real predicate’.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Boundary Issues

The term boundary can be understood to mean something that indicates a boarder or a limit. This is in other words a boarder or limit so indicated. This can as well be classified into two major classes of boundaries as can be seen here:- Divergent boundaries-using the geographical aspect of explanation, it can be described as occurrence at the point where two plates move away from each other. This creates more crust at the point of separation. Convergent boundaries-this is when the plates are moving into one another neither sub ducting into the other but pushing up the crust.Crust slip boundary-this can be termed another division where plates are colliding into one another at an angle. Tension builds and released inform of an earthquake. All human love and dialog is a striving to reconcile our longing for the gone bliss of togetherness with our equally intense desire for separateness (cited Jane Adams, PhD). Human minds encompass these conflicting issues through creation and uncreatio n of boundaries. These are mental issues and structures that increase in their nature of complexity and number. This does happen when we meet other people and develop our own capacities.We are able to identify our thoughts and feelings together with our emotions from those of others. This comes to happen simply because they tend to format all our memories and thinking, experiences, emotions and sensations in our identity. They do not occupy our geographical but rather mental phenomenon in our minds. This creates a real boarder in our minds. Boundaries define how self identifies itself. They do not only determine where you begin but also where you end. This goes to the space between us too. Boundaries are responsible for how we deal with the dilemma of being human.Self-in-dilemma defines how we identify and relate with others. This too stretches to identifying ourselves by maintaining our identity by our autonomy and independence. One thing that is so clear is that relationship diffe rences are as a result of boundaries. This has been seen frequently being encountered between parents and children, spouses, partners, friends and professional colleagues. Intimacy, loneliness, conflict, anxiety, stress and challenges at every stage of life are dealt with by the creation of boundaries. The development of our personalities is central to this as well as how our identity s identified.This is defined to how we think and feel about ourselves and how others perceive us. This is a special lens through which we perceive ourselves, how we are and why we are those kinds of people that we are able to see in ourselves. Limits of inner boundaries Many at times we might argue but the truth of the matter is that generic inheritance is responsible for the shaping of our inner boundaries (this is meant to identify with individual neuro chemistry, how sensitive the amygdala is and the connection of various parts of the brains among other things).Habits of the mind, neuro chemistry an d temperament dictate the extend to which our inner boundaries are connected or separate our thoughts and feelings, distinction of our mental experiences, from those of others, how they absorb or deflect the influence of their thought, moods and voices on our own and distinction among the identity, ego and superego. This gives the conscious, unconscious and preconscious contents of our minds and their property. Connection between inner boundaries and addiction Boundaries hail from recovery movement. Boundaries dysfunction and confusion coupled withdistortion are symptomatic of drug problems, alcohol, food, sex spending and other substances or activities that are considered to be addictive in nature. Addiction and recovery literature touches on boundaries and it does generally give a short attention to inner boundaries and rather focuses on interpersonal ones. Boundaries go not only to the extend of affecting the relationship with others but also emotional balance , personalities, co gnitive ability, career choice, art preference, music and architecture, political views and opinion not forgetting attitude. It also stretches to attitudes towards money and time.As an influence of personality, it is so surprising how boundaries are overlooked yet they are so an important aspect of our lives. This is so for psychiatrists who are concerned with individual rather than individual in relationship to. When we are discussing issues to do with boundaries, we should talk of boundaries and hoe they affect us directly and their influence on the people living around us. The world being a global village, and human beings being the only existent social beings in nature, the comfort of our neighbors should be of great interest to us.When we live as a community, we should put in mind the immediate aspect of how our neighbors are and not just the single life existing between us. Mental illness is the hallmark of distorted inner boundaries and this explains why they end up behaving like so, interpersonal psychiatrists differently think about boundaries(inner ones). They look at how they shape our social upbringing and as well how they organize or disorganize the contents of our minds . When inner boundaries are termed porous or weak , then the self is empty and famished . Forever one will be in search of someone to fill or repair it.In case we make it more rigid and solid ,it is always hard to let other people understand us,touch us or even move us, when we distort them to the worst ,so is the person himself. This means no psychological growth can occur within us social workers in practice encounter situations that end up bringing boundary problems or potential boundary problems. In a situation where workers face workers encounter conflict of interest , boundary problems arise. This is dual or several relationship boundary issues. Multiple relationships are as result of professional engaging in more than one relationship.Relationships have been established to be common primarily among social workers and their current workers and their colleagues. Discussions mainly focuses on dual relationship especially exploitive ones. As seen with social workers who get sexually involved with clients , this is a clear explanation of social dual dual boundary problem, This has been seen over a range of acts inclusive of providing home telephone number for official events, accepting goods and services from people one is not supposed to, ranging as far fetched issues as well.Jayarante et all , 1997 noted â€Å" and now swinging in a narrower arc the arm of controversy and can be done away with and dual relationships like sexual attachment with clients should be avoided greatly. It would be good that professionals continue to work with integrity and dignity and to bring out the difference concerning sexual relationships that we should be able to avoid as much as possible. (pg 190) One has a broader examination lense and a fine toned understanding of the levels which we should be able to get ourselves involved.Sexual relationship prohibitions between doctors and students have been described not to be a thing of the late twentieth century. The physician-patient relationship demands the doctor be very disciplined to ensure that the patient . Doctors should do everything to avoid relationship that will impair their professional judgment or the possibility of creating a dirty game that erodes the trust and confidence placed in them by their patients The question of whether the situations of sexual misconduct between doctors and patients is as bad as itappears to be remains and snag between peoples mind. Some have argued that the situation is being overstated and people have kept citing the same incident to justify their overstatements. Which has always said that the the case is understatement. For the purpose of better understanding of this problem, a review of the available cases and their sources has to be done. Data has shown that th e the studies were conducted through selection of cases based on anonymity through the mail.The first case was the collection of data by asking the patients and practitioners being asked to tell how many of the practitioners being asked to tell how many of their friend and have been involved in a similar act with their partners. The second case did not account for the patients who had been involved in the issue with several practitioners and reported over the last 25 years. Boundary issues come in more than one sharpened size and addresses most fundamental aspects of the therapeutic practice, Regarding boundary issues, the therapist is responsible for two kinds of standards.†Minimal standards being the first one is the most mandatory and whenever violated it leads to punishment. † â€Å" Aspirational standards† comes next even though it is not as mandatory as such and do not participate in the punishment of the individuals. They are sources which we should underst and and work towards achieving in order to have the best out of our professions. A professional therapist will get engaged in both minimal and aspirational standards to ensure that he achieves the best and avoidance of the blunders in life.Among the issues that can be understood as boundary issues ranges from being a clients friend being differentiated from being their therapist, formation in therapy of sexually intimate relations, offering the client non licensed services from the reason when you first met and failure to keep your private life away from the client. Through assessing the following issues one is able to understand himself better and work towards getting the best deal out of his working relationship with his clients.This also does promote the ethical way of living. The client feels more of a friend with you than a client at the end of the therapy session. One might also feel sexually aroused in the response to a client. It may also come in a sense when one would like to be lovers with a client at the end of the therapy session. Do you ever have sexual contact with the client? You often go into careful selection of your clothes with a specific client in mind. It is also seen in times when a particular clients time always runs overtime.Engaging in friendly talks with the client thus revealing so much of yourself towards a particular client. Healthy boundaries have also been described to exist whatsoever. This has been described through willingness to say no in order to clearly notify others that they are stepping on your toes. Controversially, you are also willing to say yes. One too has the ability to make requests and seek alternatives when other people say no to him. It also comes with one having a sense of personal understanding and self respect. It stretches too to making self disclosure appropriate.One reveals information about himself gradually and this comes at a time when self respect has been developed leading to development in trust. Mu tual sharing must be the guiding factors to this. Lastly one never tolerates abuse or disrespect. You should recognize when the problem is yours or the other person’s. if it doesn’t have to be yours, you simply don’t jump in to provide a solution but instead let the other person be responsible for his own boundaries. At times, a situation of collapsed or no boundaries has been described. This has been manifested through several states as well.When one can’t say no for fear of abandonment or rejection. One discloses too much information about himself or herself. If one takes no other people’s feelings apart from empathy and high tolerance for abuse and being treated with disrespect it dearly demonstrates collapsed boundaries. It further stretches to the feeling of â€Å"I believe I deserve it† when treated badly. This is coupled with doing anything to avoid conflict with other people. Being focused on achieving what you believe other people w ant you to be letting you have no sense of noting fully in others.You always want to act to please other people and in return forget all about molding respected and responsible individual in yourself. Boundaries can be important in our lives. They do give us ownership. A boundary can in simple terms be described as a property line. Knowing where our property starts and ends one is able to understand and have a claim of ownership over the given property. We tend to understand what belongs to us and what doesn’t at the same time. Through having boundaries and having defined the extent of ownership it does give us a sense of responsibility.We are responsible for keeping well what belongs to us. As such, individuals are taught to take good care of what belongs to them so that we do not interfere with other people’s freedom and rights. This helps understanding where one’s freedom or control starts and ends. Understanding the freedom one has from the spouse we are abl e to open up several other opportunities. As clearly understood that your next door neighbor cannot force you paint your house walls green or red we tend to understand that we cannot poke our noses into other people’s affairs and expect to do away with it.The triangle of boundaries revolves around freedom, love and responsibility. We were created free by God and given the responsibility for our freedom as well. Being set free, makes us be responsible for our deeds failure for which leads to prosecution. As stated in the whole bible we are asked to love God and worship him all along. God expects us to live free and take responsibility for our own freedom besides loving him so much. If we accomplished these three events of life, then life becomes a bed of roses and an Eden of experience. Incredibility occurs as these three ingredients of life do happen.When love grows, spouses become more and more free of slavery; being self centered, living patterns that are sinful and limitat ions that are self imposed tend to fade away. This leads to spouses gaining a greater sense of self control and responsibility. As a result of acting more responsibly one becomes more loving. This sends back to the start the cycle all over again. The secret towards happiness in a long lasting relationship is this one. A couple married for more than 10 years can boast of this since they learn to become more of themselves with time and get more loved in return.Love has been known to exist only where there is freedom. Protection is the last aspect of boundaries. Taking an example of a home or a house, one is always struggling to keep his house under lock and key to ensure that there is protection and safety. It was said by Jesus that dogs should not be given what is sacred. Our (pearks) should not be thrown to pigs instead. They might trample them under their feet and immediately they are done they will turn to tear you into pieces (cited Matthew 7:6). These fences are used to keep the bad ones out and only let in the good ones.This means that the permeability of boundaries is an issue. As with individuals, one needs boundaries that can be put up when the evil is present and be laid down when the dangerous states are done with. Living within truth makes us safe. This regards truth as another very important boundary. Boundaries are provided with the truth and principle of guidance from God. When we do the following we define it as truth; do not lie or commit adultery, coveting other peoples property like the story in the bible, readiness to give to others, loving one another, being compassionate and readiness to forgive.Crossing boundaries of relationships centered around God's truth endangers our success and how well we can thrive. Honesty and truthfulness about what happens in our relationships is a good provision of our boundaries. There are certain law that govern the boundary issues as seen in marriages. Sowing and reaping This should be interpreted to mean t hat our actions have consequences or repercussions. When we do positive things about us, we tend to draw people closer to us and as a result they do become more loving and accommodating to us.They feel more attached to us and more than willing to be with us and stay attached to us. We always send them to a state of wanting to be with us at the same time being more positive to us. The moment we become irresponsible and unloving, people tend to keep distance from us. They run away from us and feel like not wanting to be associated with us. We are left alone and the consequences are feeling lonely and withdrawn. This teaches us to be responsible knowing that if we messed around with other peoples emotions they in turn end up leaving us alone and keeping us in a state of wanting to be close again.The law of responsibility This means that the spouses refuses to rescue their partners from mistakes and foibles committed by them. This is the sinful behavior of being immature. The couples ha ve the responsibility of setting limits to the level that their spouses are held up in the unbecoming behavior. This is a clear state of the mind being exercised by the partners tending to build up maturity in their spouses. When such a state of the mind is created, then the entire consequence is having a mature society as a whole. The law of powerThis law comes out to be a unique one. It does so in the sense that it does empower the couples with the ability to change their marriages. One has the capacity to get out whatsoever he or she wants from the marriage and not acting as a result of pressure from other sources. As a result, the act of saying that we let nature take its course is done away with. When we let nature take its course we end up in a situation that does not allow us to set our own targets. Setting targets is the first thing that any human being can think of and be able to achieve.It encourages us to work hard and be alert in all situations. A human being who doesn't work with any target ends up being distorted and the final resettling becomes a thing of the past. It is only when you and your mate understand and go to the extend of respecting each others needs that you can selflessly give to one another. The creating of boundaries in marriages gives you the right tools you actually deserve to come out to the right decision. Boundary issues appear to be dominant in many places. It does not only apply to human setting but has been noted even in national parks.Boundary management has become a major concern issue even in these places. Boundary making traces its origin straight from the animal kingdom. From time immemorial, animals have been known from time immemorial to lay boundaries within themselves. The king of the jungle was the lion and the cascading system was used to place animals in different places in the jungle. This led to the assignment of tasks based on boundaries. Man has had to derive his present governance system on the very basis that the animal kingdom operated. Just like the animals defined their boundaries so has man become of late.This has been seen to range from individual relationships to group relations and even stretches to the international level. Long before the introduction of the state governance system, we used to have traditionally instituted societies that lived and respected the presence and sovereignty of other neighboring states. Failure to do do this would lead to endless wars among the competing societies something that led to restoration of peace in the society. It is clear that boundary issues cut across all spheres of our living and we tend to have them in our day to day living.These are issues that affect our living and we cannot be able to have a peaceful society without boundary issues coming into play. As a matter of fact, we do understand that human coexistence is based on the fact that one has to respect the sovereignty of the other. Be it at individual or collective responsibili ty level, the secret behind colleagues having some mutual understanding is recognition of the rights and freedoms of the other members of the society. If human beings lived by this, the society remains to be a peaceful one.As clearly seen in this paper, if one has to maintain his dignity, define the level to which you do relate with others and keep a clear distinction between your work and the social life. When a clear cut distinction has been put between the two cases, then the society understands the need for boundaries and as a result, we are able to have a peaceful society. Word count 3482 References â€Å"Boundary Issues†: Using Boundary Intelligence ti Get The Intimacy You Want and The Independence You Need In Life, Love and Work. † by Jane Adams (Wiley, October, 2005)Ludwig Edelstein. The Hippocratic Oath: Text, Translation and Interpretation. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1943. Federation Of State Medical Boards of The US,Inc. , Ad Hoc Committee On Physician Im pairment. Report on Sexual Boundary Issues, April, 1996. Irons, RR. Schneider JP. Addictive Sexual Disorders in Principles and Practices of Addictions In Psychiatry, Miller. NS ed. , pp. 441-457, 19997. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Opinion On Ethics:Sexual Misconduct In The Physician Patient Relationship, Document Number. 1